Japanese Conversation

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Where is it?

Dialogue 1

Tanaka:Satoo-san, uchi wa doko desu ka?
Satoo:Uchi wa Yokohama desu.
Tanaka:Kaisha wa doko desu ka?
Satoo:Shibuya desu.
Tanaka:Where do you live? (lit. Where is your house?)
Satoo:I live in Yokohama. (lit. My house is in Yokohama.)
Tanaka:Where is your office?
Satoo:It's in Shibuya.

Dialogue 2

Greg:Suimasen. Eki wa doko desu ka?
Josei:Chikatetsu no eki desu ka?
Josei:Chikatetsu no eki wa asoko desu.
Josei:Ee. Ginkoo no tonari desu.
Greg:Aa! Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu.
Josei:Doo itashimashite.
Greg:Excuse me. Where is the station?
Woman:Do you mean the subway station?
Woman:It's over there.
Greg:Over there?
Woman:Yes. It's next to the bank.
Greg:Oh, thank you very much!
Woman:You are welcome.
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