Nihongo - First Step

Step 4


それ   けいたい ですか

それは けいたいですか。

Is that a mobile phone?

ええ   これ   けいたい です

ええ。これは けいたいです。

Yes. This is a mobile phone.

いいえ   これ   けいたい じゃないです

いいえ。これは けいたいじゃないです。

No. This is not a mobile phone.

Grammar Notes

Sore means "that".
There are three words correspond to "This" or "That" in Japanese langauge.
It is Kore, sore and are. The usage of it is as follows;

これindicates a thing or things near the speaker.
それindicates a thing or things near the listener.
あれindicates a thing or things far from both, speaker and listener.

Ka? is the question marker.
Ka added to the end of a sentence makes the sentence into a question.
The word order does not change.

Ee means "Yes" and Iie means "No".
There is another word meaning "Yes". It is Hai.
Hai is more formal than Ee.
In daily conversation, people normally use Ee. So we take it here.

Practice 1

Let's practice the following words.







にほんごJapanese language

Practice 2

Let's make sentences and speak it.

あれは がっこうですか。
 Is that a school?

ええ。あれは がっこうです。
 Yes. It is a school.

これは にほんの ビールですか。
 Is this Japanese beer?

ええ。それは にほんの ビールです。
 Yes. It is Japanese beer.

それは にほんごの じしょですか。
 Is that a Japanese dictionary.

いいえ。これは にほんごの じしょじゃないです。
 No. This is not a Japanese dictionary.

あれは ホテルですか。
 Is that a hotel?

いいえ。あれは ホテルじゃないです。あれは デパートです。
 No. It is not a hotel. It is a department store.

Making questions with "What" and "Where", "What is this?"

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