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Tokyo 31-do Mottomo Osoi Ma-natsu-bi

Tokyo records 31 degrees Celsius the latest hot summer day


19-nichi, Toshin no saikoo-kion wa 31.1-do o kiroku shimashita.
Kore wa shijoo mottomo osoi Ma-natsu-bi desu.

Demo, 20-ka wa kion ga ikkini sagaru soo desu.
Tokyo no saikoo-kion wa 20-do no yosoo desu.
Moo 30-do o koeru hi wa nai deshoo.

Practice Each Sentence

Tokyo 31-do Mottomo Osoi Ma-natsu-bi

31-do 31 degrees Celsius, mottomo osoi the latest, mottomo most, -est, osoi slow / late
ma-natsu-bi hot summer day (the temperature rises above 30C)

1. 19-nichi, Toshin no saikoo-kion wa 31.1-do o kiroku shimashita.

juu-ku-nichi 19th. of the month, toshin downtown area of Tokyo
saikoo-kion the highest temperature, saikoo the highest, maximum
kion (air) temperature, -do degrees Celsius, kiroku [sv] record, register, log
sanjuu-itten-ichi-do 31.1 degrees Celsius, -ten dot, point, decimal point

2. Kore wa shijoo mottomo osoi Ma-natsu-bi desu.

shijoo mottomo osoi the latest ever (in Tokyo), shijoo in history, mottomo most, -est, osoi slow / late
ma-natsu-bi hot summer day (the temperature rises above 30C)
ma-natsu midsummer, natsu summer, -bi date, day

3. Demo, 20-ka wa kion ga ikkini sagaru soo desu.

demo but, however, hatsuka 20th. of the month, kion (air) temperature, ikkini at once, at a stretch
sagaru root form of sagarimasu; go down, fall, drop, -soo desu reported information; I heard, he/they said

The following audio is available to members

4. Tokyo no saikoo-kion wa 20-do no yosoo desu.

saikoo-kion the highest temperature, saikoo the highest, maximum, nijuu-do 20 degrees Celsius
[A] no yosoo desu it is expected [A], the forecast is [A], yosoo [sv] expectation, prediction, forecast, guess

5. Moo 30-do o koeru hi wa nai deshoo.

moo (+ negative) no longer, any more, sanjuu-do 30 degrees Celsius
koeru root form of koemasu; exceed, go over, hi day, date
nai nai form of arimasu; there is not, don't have, -deshoo should be, must be, will be

Practice the following words

Audio 1.toshindowntown area of Tokyo
Audio 2.saikoo-kionthe highest temperature
Audio 3.saikoothe highest, maximum
Audio 4.[cf.] saiteithe lowest, minimum
Audio 5.kion(air) temperature
Audio 6.kiroku[sv] record, register, log
Audio 7.shijooin history
Audio 8.mottomomost, -est
Audio 9.osoilate / slow
Audio 10.ma-natsu-bihot summer day
(the temperature rises above 30C)
Audio 11.ma-natsumiddle of summer, midsummer
Audio 12.natsusummer
Audio 13.demobut, however
Audio 14.ikkiniat once, all at once, at a stretch
Audio 15.sagarimasu / sagaruto fall, drop, go down
Audio 16.yosoo[sv] expectation, prediction, forecast, guess
Audio 17.moo ... naino longer, any more
Audio 18.koemasu / koeruto exceed, go over, pass
Audio 19.hiday, date
Audio 20.arimasu / aruthere is, to have

Functional patterns used in the sentences (Chapter numbers are from Building Up Conversation)

ikkini sagaru soo desu
plain form + soo desu:reported information; I heard, he/they said

Level 2 Chapter 11

30-do o koeru hi
phrase + noun:Noun Modifier

Level 2 Chapter 13

30-do o koeru hi wa nai deshoo
plain form + deshoo:must be, should be, will be

Level 3 Chapter 1

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