密かな 人気「夜行バス」 secretly popular "overnight bus" |
アパートを借りる1 - 探す rent an apartment - looking for an apartment |
アパートを借りる2 - 契約 rent an apartment - making a contract |
アパートを 借りる 3 - 引っ越し rent an apartment - moving |
「マンホール女子」・・・分かりますか? "Manhole Girls" ... Do you know? |
道具 - 包丁 tools - kitchen knife |
ネット社会 - 増える「ドタキャン」 Internet Society - "cancellation at the last minute" increasing |
きょうは「ごみの 日」 today is the garbage collection day |
食べ放題、飲み放題 All you can eat, All you can drink |
日本の 大型動物 large animals in Japan |
生き残った 銭湯 public bathhouse still survived |
コスプレ - もはや「オタク」じゃない cosplay (costume play) - no longer "Otaku" |
夫婦 別姓 different last names among couples |
犬みたい、それとも、いい考え? - 子供用リード it's like a dog, or it's a good idea? - lead (harness) for kids |
キャラ弁(キャラクター弁当) character bento (boxed lunch) |
ペットは家族同様-増える「ペット可」 pet is a member of the family - increasing "Pet-friendly" |
部署と 肩書き Divisions & Tiles of Japanese companies |
宅配便を 使おう Let's use door-to-door delivery service |
今、現場で 大人気「空調服」 now, very popular on construction sites "air-conditioned clothes" |
危機は チャンスだ - インフラ老朽化 crisis could be a good chance - decrepit infrastructure |
日本の必須アイテム - 防災グッズ Japan's must-have item - disaster kit (goods) |
災害-予知と減災 disaster prevention and damage reduction |