よく使う表現とパターン - Vol.2

Enrich your expressions

For Upper Beginner and Intermediate learners

Let's learn common set phrases, idiomatic expressions, collocations, sentence patterns
which are frequently used in everyday speech


The following contents are available to members.


[A] に しろ、[B] に しろ

Whether [A] or [B][File 102a]



more and more people ..., the number of people who ... has increased[File 081a]


It's famous for ...[File 082a]

・・・として 有名です

It's famous as ...[File 082b]

[A]は[B]と 同じです

[A] is the same as [B][File 083a]

[A]と[B]は 何が 違いますか?

What is the difference between [A] and [B]?[File 083b]

[A]は[B]に 似ています

[A] looks like [B][File 083c]

[A]は[B]に 便利です

[A] is convenient for [B][File 084a]

ちょうど いい

it's just right[File 085a]


If anything, If I had to choose, would rather[File 086a]


the whole time, all the time, all the way[File 087a]

まさか・・・とは 思わなかった

I never thought it would be[File 088a]

・・・した つもりだったけど、して いなかった

I thought I did it, but I didn't[File 089a]

・・・する つもりだったら、

If you are planning to do,[File 089b]


for the time being, tentatively / start off with / right away[File 090a]

[A] も あれば、[B] も ある

Some are [A], and others are [B][File 091a]

気を つけて

please be careful, watch out, take care[File 092a]


I rarely do it[File 093a]

いい 機会だから

It's a good opportunity, so[File 094a]


It could happen at anytime[File 095a]

いつも・・・とは 限らない

not necessarily, not always[File 096a]

やって みないと、分からない

You never know unless you try[File 097a]

おかげで vs. せいで

thanks to, because of, due to[File 098a]

安くも ないけど、高くも ない

neither cheap nor expensive[File 099a]

気が 合う

get along with[File 100a]

・・・しても、意味が ない

It's pointless to do it, It's meaningless[File 101a]

[A] に しろ、[B] に しろ

Whether [A] or [B][File 102a]

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