Study Japanese from the Weather forecast

Tenki Yohoo

Weather forecast - Tokyo

Upper Basic level

Study practical Japanese through the weather forecast written in
easy-to-understand Japanese.
Please practice the basic terms first.

2024/September/16 - 2024/September/22


16-nichi no getsu-yoobi wa "Keiroo no hi" de, shukujitsu desu.
Mata, raishuu no getsu-yoobi mo yasumi desu.
13-nichi no Nyuusu "2-shuu tsuzukete, 3-renkyuu" o mite kudasai.

Sate, 16-nichi no getsu-yoobi wa Kumori tokidoki Ame.
Ka-yoobi kara moku-yoobi wa Kumori tokidoki Hare.
Ima no tokoro Ame wa furanai mikomi desu.

Demo, shuumatsu wa Kumori ichiji Ame.
Amari ii tenki janai desu.

Kin-yoobi made wa atsui hi ga tsuzukimasu.
Demo, do-yoobi no saikoo-kion wa 26-do.
Nichi-yoobi wa 23-do no yosoo desu.
Raishuu kara yatto suzushiku nari-soo desu.

Practice Each Sentence

1. 16-nichi no getsu-yoobi wa "Keiroo no hi" de, shukujitsu desu.

juuroku-nichi 16th. of the month, getsu-yoobi Monday
Keiroo no hi Respect for the Aged Day, hi day, date
-de a conjunction "and" or "so", shukujitsu national holiday, public holiday

2. Mata, raishuu no getsu-yoobi mo yasumi desu.

mata also, raishuu next week, getsu-yoobi Monday
-mo also, too, yasumi holiday, vacation, day off

3. 13-nichi no Nyuusu "2-shuu tsuzukete, 3-renkyuu" o mite kudasai.

juusan-nichi 13th. of the month, nyuusu news
ni-shuu tsuzukete 2 weeks in a row, san-renkyuu 3-day holdiay, 3 holidays in a row
mite kudasai please see (look, watch), mite te form of mimasu; watch, see, look
-te kudasai Please do

4. Sate, 16-nichi no getsu-yoobi wa Kumori tokidoki Ame.

sate now...., then..., well...,, juuroku-nichi 16th. of the month, getsu-yoobi Monday
kumori cloudy weather, tokidoki sometimes, partly, ame rain

5. Ka-yoobi kara moku-yoobi wa Kumori tokidoki Hare.

ka-yoobi Tuesday, -kara from, moku-yoobi Thursday
kumori cloudy weather, tokidoki sometimes, partly, hare fine weather, sunny

6. Ima no tokoro Ame wa furanai mikomi desu.

ima no tokoro at the moment, for the present (set phrase)
ame ga furimasu it rains, furanai nai form of furimasu; fall (rain, snow)
-mikomi desu be expected, be predicted, forecast

7. Demo, shuumatsu wa Kumori ichiji Ame.

demo but, however, shuumatsu weekend
kumori cloudy weather, ichiji once, temporarily, occasionally, ame rain

8. Amari ii tenki janai desu.

amari (+ negative) not very, not much, not so, ii tenki nice weather, fine day
ii good, nice, tenki weather

9. Kin-yoobi made wa atsui hi ga tsuzukimasu.

kin-yoobi Friday, -made to, till, until
atsui hot, hi day, date, tsuzukimasu to continue

10. Demo, do-yoobi no saikoo-kion wa 26-do.

demo but, however, do-yoobi Saturday
saikoo-kion the highest temperature, saikoo the highest, maximum
kion (air) temperature, -do degrees Celsius, nijuu-roku-do 26 degrees Celsius

11. Nichi-yoobi wa 23-do no yosoo desu.

nichi-yoobi Sunday, nijuu-san-do 23 degrees Celsius
yosoo [sv] expectation, prediction, forecast, guess

12. Raishuu kara yatto suzushiku nari-soo desu.

raishuu next week, -kara from, yatto finally
suzushiku narimasu become cooler, get cool, suzushiku ku form of suzushii; cool
-ku narimasu to become, come to, it will be, [stem] + soo desu it looks (like), it seems (like)

Functional patterns used in the sentences (Chapter numbers are from Building Up Conversation)

Keiroo no hi de, shukujitsu desu / 2-shuu tsuzukete,
te form -te / -kute / -de:used as a conjunction "and" or "so"

Level 2 Chapter 6

Nyuusu o mite kudasai
verb te form + -te kudasai:please do

Level 2 Chapter 5

suzushiku nari-soo desu
-ku narimasu / -ni narimasu:become, come to

Level 2 Chapter 9

suzushiku nari-soo desu
stem + soo desu:it seems, it looks

Level 3 Chapter 2

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