Words with Sentences

Expand your vocabulary

For Upper Beginners and Intermediate learners



atsumemasu / atsumeruto collect, gather

shuushuu[sv] collection, gathering

korimasu / koruto be absorbed in, be devoted, be crazy about, be hooked on

akimasu / akiruto get tired of, get bored of, lose interest

hamarimasu / hamarube crazy about, be hooked on, be into

Example sentences

1. Watashi no shumi wa Tsuri desu.
Watashi no shumi wa Shashin desu.
Watashi no shumi wa Saikuringu desu.

shumi hobby, tsuri fishing, shashin photograph, photo, saikuringu cycling, bicycling

2. a.Watashi no shumi wa Kitte o atsumeru koto desu.
b.Watashi no shumi wa Kitte no shuushuu desu.

kitte postage stamp, kitte o atsumeru koto collecting stamps
atsumeru to collect, gather, -koto forming a noun phrase; doing, to do, that...
shuushuu [sv] collection, gathering

[a] and [b] are the same meaning.

3. Gomi no shuushuu-bi wa Getsu-Sui-Kin desu.
Shuushuu-sha wa asa 9-ji goro kimasu.

gomi garbage, trash, rubbish, waste, shuushuu-bi (garbage) collection day
getsu-sui-kin Mon, Wed, Fri. (It's pronounced as Ge-Ssui-Kin)
shuushuu-sha (garbage) collection truck, ku-ji 9:00, -goro around (time)

4. Watashi wa ima Supaisu ni kotte imasu.
Iroiro na kuni no Supaisu o atsumete imasu.

ima present, current, now, supaisu spice, kotte te form of koru
koru to be absorbed in, be devoted, be crazy about, be hooked on, -te imasu expressing progressive or state
iroiro na [na] various, many, kuni country, nation, atsumete ta form of atsumeru

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5. Ichiji Pokemon ni kotta kedo, ima wa moo (Pokemon ni) akimashita.

ichiji once, before, formerly, at one time, Pokemon Pokemon, Pocket Monsters
kotta ta form of koru, -kedo but, ima wa moo now, don't do anymore, no longer
ima present, current, now, moo already, akimasu to get tired of, get bored of, lose interest

6. Ima kono geemu ni hamatte imasu.
Ima K-POP ni hamatte imasu.
Ima Raamen ni hamatte imasu.

ima present, current, now, geemu game, K-POP (KeePoppu) K-POP (Korean pop music)
raamen Raamen noodle, hamatte te form of hamaru, hamaru be crazy about, be hooked on, be into (colloquial)
-te imasu expressing progressive or state

7. Saikin Geki-kara Raamen ni hamatte iru.
Shuumatsu wa iroiro na mise ni Geki-kara Raamen o tabe ni iku.
Ima wa Geki-kara Kappumen ni kotte iru.

saikin recently, lately, these days, geki-kara super spicy, crazy hot, geki- extremely, karai spicy, hot (taste)
raamen Raamen noodle, hamatte te form of hamaru, -te iru expressing progressive or state
shuumatsu weekend, iroiro na [na] various, many, mise store, shop, restaurant
tabe ni iku to go to eat, tabemasu to eat, [stem] + ni iku to go to do
ima wa at present, at the moment, now, kappu-men pot noodle, kappu cup, men noodles

8. Watashi no shumi wa Irasuto o kaku koto desu.
Saikin wa shumi to jitsueki o kanete kaita Irasuto o netto de utte imasu.

irasuto illustration, kaku to write / draw, paint, -koto forming a noun phrase; doing, to do, that...
saikin recently, lately, these days
shumi to jitsueki o kanete for both hobby and profit, for pleasure and profit (set phrase)
kaita ta form of kaku, netto de on the Internet, utte imasu (place de something o +) store sells, we/I sell

Practice the following words

Audio 1.shumihobby / taste, interest
Audio 2.atsumemasu / atsumeruto collect, gather
Audio 3.shuushuu[sv] collection, gathering
Audio 4.shuushuu-bi(garbage) collection day
Audio 5.shuushuu-sha(garbage) collection truck
Audio 6.korimasu / koru

to be absorbed in, be devoted,
be crazy about, be hooked on

Audio 7.akimasu / akiru

to get tired of, get bored of, lose interest

Audio 8a.hamarimasu / hamaru

to be crazy about, be hooked on, be into

Audio 8b.hamarimasu / hamaru

to to fall into / fit in

Audio 9.tsurifishing
Audio 10.shashinphotograph, photo
Audio 11.saikuringucycling, bicycling
Audio 12.kittepostage stamp
Audio 13.gomigarbage, trash, rubbish
Audio 14.getsu-sui-kinMon, Wed, Fri.
Audio 15.getsu-yoobiMonday
Audio 16.sui-yoobiWednesday
Audio 17.kin-yoobiFriday
Audio 18.kimasu / kuruto come
Audio 19.imapresent, current, now
Audio 20.ima wa moonow, don't do anymore, no longer
Audio 21.mooalready
Audio 22.supaisuspice
Audio 23.iroiro na[na] various, many
Audio 24.kunicountry, nation
Audio 25.ichijitemporarily / once, before, formerly, at one time
Audio 26.PokemonPokemon, Pocket Monsters
Audio 27.geemugame
Audio 28.K-POPK-POP (Korean pop music)
Audio 29.raamenRaamen noodle
Audio 30.kappumenpot noodle
Audio 31.geki-karasuper spicy, crazy hot
Audio 32.karaispicy, hot (taste)
Audio 33.saikinrecently, lately, these days
Audio 34.shuumatsuweekend
Audio 35.misestore, shop, restaurant
Audio 36.tabe ni ikuto go to eat
Audio 37.tabemasu / taberuto eat
Audio 38.ikimasu / ikuto go
Audio 39.irasutoillustration
Audio 40.kakimasu / kakuto write / draw, paint
Audio 41.shumi to jitsueki o kanete

for both hobby and profit, for pleasure and profit

Audio 42.netto deon the Internet
Audio 43.utte imasuthey sell, store sells
Audio 44.urimasu / uruto sell

Functional patterns used in the sentences (Chapter numbers are from Building Up Conversation)

kitte o atsumeru koto / irasuto o kaku koto
-koto, -no:Noun Modifier; doing, to do, that

Level 2 Chapter 14

kotte imasu / atsumete imasu / hamatte imasu / utte imasu
verb te form + -te imasu:expressing the progressive, a state of being or a habitual action

Level 2 Chapter 4

iroiro na mise ni tabe ni iku
verb stem + ni ikimasu:to go to do

Level 1 Chapter 11

kaita irasuto
phrase + noun:Noun Modifier

Level 2 Chapter 13

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