
For Upper Beginners and Intermediate learners




to search, look up, find (on the Internt, in the document)

[person] wa [Internet] de [word] o kensaku suru

[person] wa [search engine] de [word] o kensaku suru

[person] wa [document] no [word] o kensaku suru

Almost all of the Suru-Verbs can be followed by the particle "o"; ○○ suru / ○○ o suru

Example sentences

1. Netto de Hakone no ryokan o kensaku suru.

netto de on the Internet, -de means, method marker; by, with, on
Hakone place name (tourist spot), ryokan Japanese style hotel

2. Google de "Hakone", "Roten-buro" o kensaku shita.
Kekka ga takusan detekita.

Google de on Google, roten-buro open-air (hot spring) bath, outdoor bath, cf. o-furo bath, bath room
kekka result, takusan many, a lot of, detekuru to come up, appear

3. Kensaku shita kedo, hoshii joohoo ga detekonai.
Kiiwaado o kaete miru.

-kedo but, hoshii I want (something), joohoo information
detekonai nai form of detekuru; come up, appear
kiiwaado keyword, kaete te form of kaeru; change, replace
-te miru try to do, try doing (and see how it is)

4. Kensaku-kekka ga oo-sugiru.
Jooken o kaete, kensaku-kekka o shiborikomu.

kensaku-kekka search results, kekka result, oo-sugiru too many, too much
ooi many, a lot, [stem] + sugiru too many, too much
jooken condition, terms, requirement / criteria, filtering, kaete te form of kaeru; change, replace
shiborikomu to narrow down, filter

5. Kensaku-enjin o Google kara Yahoo ni kaeta.
Kensaku-kekka wa kekkoo chigau.

kensaku-enjin search engine, enjin engine, kaeta ta form of kaeru; change, replace
kensaku-kekka search results, kekka result
kekkoo [na/adv] quite, pretty, chigau to be wrong / be different

6. WORD no bunsho de goku o kensaku suru ni wa ...
"Kensaku" o kurikku shite ...
Tekisuto-bokkusu ni goku o nyuuryoku suru.

WORD (Waado) Microsoft WORD, bunsho documents, goku words and phrases
-ni wa for doing, in order to do, kurikku [sv] click, shite te form of suru (used as a conjunction "and")
tekisuto-bokkusu text box, nyuuryoku [sv] input, type in, koodo [na] advanced, high-level

Practice the following words

Audio 1.kensaku[sv] to search, look up, find
Audio 2.kensaku-kekkasearch results
Audio 3.kekkaresult
Audio 4.kensaku-enjinsearch engine
Audio 5.enjinengine
Audio 6.netto deon the Internet
Audio 7.GoogleGoogle
Audio 8.YahooYahoo
Audio 9.Hakoneplace name (tourist spot)
Audio 10.ryokanJapanese style hotel
Audio 11.roten-buro

open-air (hot spring) bath, outdoor bath

Audio 12.[cf.] o-furo / furobath, bath room
Audio 13.[cf.] onsenhot spring, hot spring bath
Audio 14.takusanmany, a lot of
Audio 15.detekimasu / detekuruto come up, appear
Audio 16.hoshiiI want (something)
Audio 17.joohooinformation, data, report
Audio 18.kiiwaadokeyword
Audio 19.kaemasu / kaeruto change, replace
Audio 20.oo-sugirutoo many, too much
Audio 21.ooimany, a lot
Audio 22.[stem] + sugimasu / sugirutoo many, too much
Audio 23.jooken

condition, terms, requirement / criteria, filtering

Audio 24.shiborikomimasu / shiborikomu

to narrow down, filter

Audio 25.kekkoo[na/adv] quite, rather, pretty
Audio 26.chigaimasu / chigauto be wrong / be different
Audio 27.WORD (Waado)Microsoft WORD
Audio 28.bunshodocuments
Audio 29.gokuwords and phrases
Audio 30.... suru ni wafor doing, in order to do
Audio 31.kurikku[sv] click
Audio 32.tekisuto-bokkusutext box
Audio 33.tekisutotextbook, text
Audio 34.bokkusubox
Audio 35.nyuuryoku[sv] input, type in
Audio 36.koodo[na] advanced, high-level

Functional patterns used in the sentences (Chapter numbers are from Building Up Conversation)

kiiwaado o kaete miru
verb te form + -te mimasu:try to do and find out, try to do and see how it is

Level 3 Chapter 2

kensaku-kekka ga oo-sugiru
stem + sugimasu:too big, too small, do too much, and so on.

Level 3 Chapter 4

jooken o kakete / "kensaku" o kurikku shite
te form -te / -kute / -de:used as a conjunction "and" or "so"

Level 2 Chapter 6

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