あかじ(赤字) | deficit, loss |
えいこく(英国) | England, United Kingdom |
おおはば(大幅) | big (fall, raise), sharp (cut) |
おんしつこうか(温室効果)greenhouse effect |
かいかく(改革)sv. | reform, reorganize |
かける | to take time, take cost |
けいかく(計画)sv. | plan, project |
けっこん(結婚)sv. | marriage |
こくみん(国民) | nation, people, citizen |
さくげん(削減)sv. | cut down, retrench, curtail |
しきん(資金) | fund, capital |
じけん(事件) | happening, incident, crime, case |
しゃしん(写真) | photograph |
しゃちょう(社長) | (company) president |
しゃない(社内) | in the company, in the office |
しゃないけっこん (社内結婚) | marriage betwee two people of the same company |
しゅのう(首脳) | leader, head |
しらべる(調べる) | to investigate, check, look over, find out |
せいかつ(生活)sv. | life, live |
せいじか(政治家) | politician |
せいぶつ(生物) | living thing, creature |
せんしんこく(先進国) | advanced country |
せんしんこくしゅのうかいぎ (先進国首脳会議) | Summit (G8) |
たがく(多額) | large money, a lot of money |
ために | for, in order to do |
たんご(単語) | a word, vocabulary |
ちゅうごく(中国) | China |
ちんあげ(賃上げ)sv. | raise in salary |
とる(取る) | to take, get |
はんにん(犯人) | criminal |
ひがい(被害) | damage, harm |
ひつよう(必要) | need, necessary |
ひらかれる(開かれる) | to be open, be held |
ひろい(広い) | wide, broad, spacious |
べいこく(米国) | United States (U.S.A) |
ようきゅう(要求)sv. | request, demand, claim |