A.Choose the reading.
B.Choose the reading.
C.Choose the reading.
D.Choose a word and complete the following sentences.
E.Choose a word and complete the following sentences.
いはん(違反)sv. | violation, be against (law, rules) |
いろ(色) | color |
おんだん(温暖) | warm, mild (climate) |
かぜ | a cold, flu |
きょうみ(興味) | interest |
きろく(記録)sv. | a record |
ぎいん(議員) | member of an assembly |
けいざい(経済) | economy |
こくみん(国民) | nation, people, citizen |
こっかい(国会) | national assembly, Diet, Congress, Parliament |
しちょう(市長) | mayor |
じょうきょう(状況) | state of affairs, circumstances |
すきな(好きな) | favorite |
すぐ | soon, immediately, easily |
せかい(世界) | world |
ちゅうい(注意)sv. | be careful, attention, warning |
つたえる(伝える) | to tell, report |
にんきが ある (人気がある) | be popular |
のぼる(登る) | to climb |
のめば(飲めば) | ba form of nomu |
びょうき(病気) | illness, sickness |
わかい(若い) | young |
リポーター | reporter |