A.Choose the reading.
B.Choose the reading.
C.Read the following sentences.
あそこ | over there |
あそぶ(遊ぶ) | to play, enjoy |
あそんで(遊んで) | te form of asobu |
いし(石) | stone |
うえ(上) | higher, upper |
かいがい(海外) | overseas |
かじ(火事) | a fire |
かぞく(家族) | family |
から | so, therefore, because |
かわ(川) | river |
ことし(今年) | this year |
した(下) | lower, under |
そうじsv | cleaning |
そうです [plain form + ] | I heard, they said |
たいりょく(体力) | physical strength |
たち | and others |
ていきょう(提供)sv. | offer, present, provide |
できている [something de + ] | be made of |
なげて(投げて) | te form of nageru |
なげる(投げる) | to throw |
なつやすみ(夏休み) | summer vacation |
なる | to become |
はいたつ(配達)sv. | delivery |
ほうが(方が) | comparative pattern |
やすい [stem + ] | easy to do |
よう(用) | something for |
より | comparative pattern |
りょこう(旅行)sv. | travel, trip |