Basic Japanese

Building Up Conversation

Carefully selected and compiled "must-know" everyday expressions

Efficiently and effectively arranged learning points from Level 1 to Level 3

An abundance of audio drills to help master Japanese by listening practice

Chapter-by-chapter quizzes for checking the level of comprehension

Tablet device supported (iPad 2 or later, Windows tablet, Android tablet)

Learning Method

Level 1 : 20 chapters

Level 2 : 20 chapters

Level 3 : 20 chapters

Supplementary Materials

Besides "Building Up Conversation", we have provided a wide range of supplementary materials from the basic level to the intermediate level.
You can use both the main learning materials which you purchase and the supplementary materials with your access ID.

We constantly update the supplements and add new series.
Please check each section of our site.

Kanji materials introduced at Kanji section are for 2001.Kanji.Odyssey.

Online learning material

Each Chapter has Four Sections
Each dialogue demonstrates how learning points are used in a certain context.
Grammar notes help understand learning points.
Audio Drills
Each drill helps master Japanese by listening to example sentences repeatedly.
Each quiz checks the level of comprehension. Wrong answers are referred to relevant "Notes" for revision and better understanding.
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